In our conversations with students we were often befuddled when some children told us about the the absence of regular playtime in their after school activities.

Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the aProCh initiative.


Try the empathy lens:

Go and observe what happens in parks in your vicinity and how many children visit them.

Spend some time in observing children trying to cross a busy street in your city and see how the traffic responds to them. Note what is the child learning through his/her experience on the road.


  • As adults, our childhood memories have always been a lot about school and play. Therefore, we had a feeling of discomfort when we realized that many of our children seemed to be missing out on the element of play in their daily routines.

  • Some of our students shared that their parents had safety concerns and felt too scared to send them out to play on their own. The community parks and streets in the colony were not viewed as open and welcoming spaces for kids.

  • When we observed these same children playing during the sports period and breaks in school, we could see that their socio-emotional and physical growth was enhanced during such moments.



we could be a ‘School for the World’ and prompt our city and its citizens to become responsible for childhood and children?


aProCh (A Protagonist in Every Child) as a community based program with the objective of creating ‘Child friendly cities’.

Various initiatives such as ‘Parents of the Park’, ‘City on Cycles’, ‘Mov’ing’ Experience ‘, ‘Street Smart’ and ‘City as my Landscape’ were designed to offer children opportunities to learn new skills; enjoy games, sing & dance; experience closeness to nature, climb trees, run barefoot and even enjoy cycle rides.

aProCh coordinators and students took the onus of creating a network of experts, volunteers and partners such as NGOs, corporates, the Police, city administrators, press & media, local citizens, artists, magicians & sportsmen to facilitate smooth execution of various initiatives.

The fallout of this program was a fresh design of the cities which accorded safety to its children; where they had freedom to explore, derive joy and build happy memories for a lifetime.



This process video helps make visible the design and implementation of various aProCh initiatives.


In this video you will get a glimpse of the various initiatives of aProCh and the impact of these, as well as testimonials from partners involved. Visit www.aProCh.org to view more videos of various initiatives under the aProCh program.

  • 7:36

    a) Streetsmart Story

    In this video you will see the journey that Kiran and the team went through to start the very first aProCh initiative!


In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.

  • 06:43

    FAQ Video

    Watch Kirti share some interesting insights on the design of the initiatives under aProCh and recommendations for their implementation.

  • 05:13

    Impact Video

    Watch how aProCh has impacted Kirti’s practice and helped make cities a more child friendly place.

  • 04:14

    Community Voice

    Hear from various stakeholders in the community as they share about the impact that aProCH has had on the city and its children.


  • A school has to be a role model for its students and the society - aProCh is one of the ways in which your students could develop stamina & persistence.

  • Start with a ‘Parents of the Park’ or a ‘Mov’ing Experience’ where you don’t need too many permissions. Similarly, you could initiate ‘Street Smart’ by choosing the street outside your school or a street in a nearby society. Street events need not necessarily be in the busiest streets.

  • Be sure to involve students, teachers and parents in the events as they are the key stakeholders. Join hands with other schools and NGOs to increase the reach of your events.