We collaborate with new school founders to launch design-led student-centered, and humane schools.
Our partnership model enables founders to adopt a proven framework to establish world-class schools that cultivate the ‘I CAN’ mindset. This comprehensive support covers curriculum development, teacher training, leadership coaching, and administration.
Founders can choose between two programs: the pre-school franchise model and the school partnership model, each tailored to meet specific needs and ensure sustainable success.

Pre-school franchise

An innovative Early Years program rooted in Play, Inquiry, and Skills. Drawing from the globally recognized practices of Riverside School, this model empowers new school founders to establish world-class pre-schools with a focus on the ‘I CAN’ mindset.
The program offers a best-in-class curriculum, guidance on infrastructure and operations, leadership workshops, and teacher training. Franchise partners gain access to the I CAN digital platform, immersive experiences at Riverside, and regular audits to ensure quality and continuous improvement. This eight-year collaborative journey enables partners to create safe, engaging, and transformative learning environments.
8 Years Partnership | 3 Grade Curriculum | Immersion at Riverside | Consultancy | Training on Processes & Workshops | Audit
School Partnership

This model empowers founders to adopt the Riverside I CAN approach, creating schools that graduate students with the ‘I CAN’ mindset. This comprehensive support spans curriculum development, teacher training, leadership development, and administrative consultancy.
Key offerings include vision workshops to articulate clear educational goals, best-in-class teacher training, leadership training focused on design thinking and student agency, and operational support to streamline school management. Partners also gain access to the I CAN platform, immersive experiences at Riverside, standalone curricula, and regular audits to ensure sustainable impact.
8 Years Partnership | Immersion at Riverside | Consultancy | Training on Processes & Workshops | Audit
This video will offer you a glimpse of how each Process has been painstakingly documented to give leaders and teachers a very clear road map of change. Each pack has videos, insights, research and resources that are used by the RLC team for training as well as logins for schools that sign up for our flagship programmes.
A Plenary offers participants an opportunity to see the ‘purpose of their practice’ and how the training they are about to embark will make visible the ‘why’ and ‘who’ of the ‘what’ and ‘how’. It is always conducted by the leadership team at Riverside
Participants have shared that the plenary is a great introduction to the bigger picture of education and the role it plays in building empowered citizens who believe in the greater good.
The school tour (conducted by the children at Riverside) is a way to ‘see’ and experience first hand, the I CAN Mindset and HumanE Culture at work. It is a time for participants to meet and interact with the primary stakeholder of education – the child, and to anchor all their training with the promise of what is possible.
Participants have remarked that ‘meeting’ the children right at the beginning of their training gives them confidence that ‘this is possible’!
A Masterclass is a time for participants to be inspired – and it is conducted by Masters in their respective fields – sport, theater, social entrepreneurship etc – and to see passion and purpose in domains outside of education.
Participants have always shared that the Masterclass has opened up their worldview and offered them perspective on values such as ‘stamina’ or ‘hard work’ or ‘humility’ and have found insights and lessons for their own practice.
”Show’, not ‘Tell’ – this is the premise of this practice – all participants have the opportunity to ‘see’ their training of the processes in practice by observing seasoned and experienced educators at work. They will also have the opportunity to have a ‘debrief’ session with the educators to take insights and lessons from them.
Participants share that observing the theory in practice gives them immediate tips to add to their toolbox of strategies.
The processes and skill workshops are at the very heart of the training – giving participants an immersive and experiential way to understand the relevance of each process along with tips and strategies to contextualize. It includes case studies, planning and a ‘dry run’ to help the participant build confidence and clarity.
Participants have found the ‘dry run’ to be very useful to help iron out any questions and concerns they might have to put into practice, the process.
Participants have an opportunity to meet with the stakeholders (parents, students, alumni, teachers, leaders, or staff) to understand how the impact of the processes and practices on the ‘user’. The Q and A session further opens up the space to help clarify any doubts to then leave with confidence on how to contextualize the process in their own school.
Participants have shared that meeting the stakeholders gives them insights on the direct impact of the processes on the user. They find that the stakeholders are able to answer any doubts and queries from a user point.
The I CAN challenge gives participants a quick deep dive into the design thinking framework of FIDS to design a process from the ‘user’ point of view.
Participants have often remarked that the challenge helps them understand the power of empathy in the design of solutions.
The Timetable is the final artefact that translates your intention into action. Very often, the timetable makes visible only ‘subjects’ – but this exercise allows the participants to see this artefact as our ‘conscience’ – which can intentionally timetable for content / character and culture.
Participants have remarked on how this is such a paradigm shift in seeing the timetable in this new light.
Since all the processes and practices are human centric, participants go through daily, thoughtful exercises to close the loop and reflect on not only their professional growth but also their personal mind and heart shift. This offers a wonderful time to slow down to go forward.
Participants have found this process as a way to pause and to distill the essence of the day and the practice.
Alma Mater, Jodhpur
Shares glimpses of the process Bright Hearts and Minds Shine which builds ownership in the children.
I CAN School, Vietnam
Shares how they implemented the process of Congenial Meets in their first year itself.
Kindity, Malaysia
Shares how they implemented the process of Home Visit in their first year itself.
“Thanks to the handholding and planning together with the RLC team, we had a very smooth start of the term. We are truly blessed and thankful for the opportunity to partner with the Riverside Learning Centre on this journey to bring change to the children and the world!”
- Karen Wong
Director, Kindity, KL Malaysia