Timetabling for Content and Character
The curriculum pillar houses a huge menu of possibilities that will help you find strategies and processes for intentionally time-tabling content and character so that every child graduates a 'Citizen Leader'!
We hope this pack will help you find your 'fit' to nurture character as well as develop disciplinary thinking in content.
WHAT DOES RESEARCH SAYGlimpse how the practice of Classroom Culture intentionally cultivates Rigor, Relevance & Relationships through the tool of co-creation.
Centers -
Program -
Installation -
Client Projects
Interactions -
First Day
First Week -
Program of Inquiry
Inclusive Campus
Inclusive Campus
- Student Counselling
'Surplus' is a simple mindful process through which children, teachers and all support team members add value to the ecosystem. There are multiple opportunities in each day ( the bus ride, the lunch time, the bathrooms, the time between sessions etc ) to leave the world a little bit more just, a little bit more beautiful and a little bit more kind - and the SURPLUS process is designed to help all stakeholders be more observant and more intentional.
"Often a child's awareness of self is relegated to a 'grade' or a set of marks - limiting and diminishing a child's identity. In the 'Assessment for Plurality' workshop - participants will learn multiple ways to help value and evaluate the 'plurality' of a child's identity - so that both, the child and the parent are more aware of the myriad facets that make up the full story of a child."
Spark Plugs
Spark Plugs
"'Spark Plugs' are opportunities created for children to take agency and build leadership qualities through sharing their talents and passion with their peers. It rests on the belief that 'Age has nothing to do with competency' and that when we action our skills - we learn both - about our talents and ourselves. Participants will learn simple strategies to help all children become 'Spark Plugs'."
Material Exploration
Material Exploration
Material Exploration' offers learners the creative outlet to express their ideas through the exploration of material with their senses. It also offers them the understanding of how different materials behave when they interact with each other - opening up new avenues for further exploration. Participants will learn simple techniques and strategies to guide their children in this wonderful world of exploration.
Thinking Routine
Thinking Routine
"The ability to think is essential to build in the 21st Century, and skills such as problem solving, decision making and creativity and considered the key 'future' skills that are needed for all graduating students. Participants will learn simple 'Thinking Routines' and a vocabulary that they can teach students to make them adept in applying these thinking skills."
Languages of Learning
Languages of Learning
There are said to be 100 'Languages of Learning' - dubunking the 'one size fits all' model of teaching or learning. This workshop empowers teachers with the strategies to understand the myriad ways children 'learn' and allows our 'teaching' to be filled with multiple opportunities to 'enter' and 'exit' a lesson. Every lesson then is energised and intentionally designed to reach as many children with as much intention for the desired impact.
Think Through
Think Through
To imagine a more just and equitable world is often thought of as a responsility of adults - but to bring our young children's notice and attention to the world and its inequities is a responsibility of education. The 'Think Through' is a simple and powerful process that allows children to experience and empathise, then imagine a world that 'can' be - by offering their solutions and strategies. Over time, this cultivates a mindset of I CAN - I am not helpless, Change is possible, and I CAN drive it.
"The 'Pre Math workshop' will introduce the participants to the foundational concepts that form the building blocks of a child's understanding of logical mathematical thinking. It will be through hands on and minds on activities that will allow the participant to feel confident and bring meaning and joy into the teaching."
Story Telling
Story Telling
Stories are all around us and they are a great way to engage, inspire and build imagination in children of any age group. It empowers the children with the creative freedom to express their thoughts and feelings without having to worry judgement or validation. Participants will learn how to use the various techniques of story telling - from simple vocal exercises to dramatic play to props and play to enhance their story telling skills.
Phonics is the foundation on which language and comprehension is built on - it offers children the logic of how letters 'sound' and once children understand the association, they are able to build words, which then become sentences...all of these leading to comprehension and meaning. Participants will go through the road map of how to build phonemic awareness using games, letter formation and word play.
CAR/Meetings of Mind Interaction
CAR/Meetings of Mind Interaction
The Coffee at Riverside workshop is a powerful way to build the skill of asking 'higher-order questions'. By using the format of a 'chat show' the participants will learn the road map to help the students not only understand how to ask the right questions but also develop the skills of anchoring and organizing the event.
The 'Mastery workshop' will take the participants into the many steps that students need to go through to build a 'Disciplinary Mind' - a mind that is not content with just 'content' but is curious about the chosen topic of interest and eager to delve deeper to gain a well rounded perspective of the same.
Personal Project
Personal Project
The 'Personal Project' process is a month long journey for year 7 students as a capstone project before they graduate to Key Stage 3. Its an opportunity for each child to find an area that they are either interested in or are curious about and embark on a month long journey of discovery - both of themselves and of the area they have chosen. They are accompanied on this journey by mentors, experts and buddies who nudge them to achieve a level of competency by the end of the month. A jury presentation is the culmination of this journey of personal growth.
Learning Hub
Learning Hub
In the high school, the focus is on moving oneself towards gaining a level of mastery in the area of choice. The mind that is being honed is the ‘disciplinary mind’. While this has great importance, the other minds ( such as the synthesizing, creating, ethical and respectful) are also of great value and need to be nurtured to develop a more well rounded approach to one’s learning and life. The 'Learning Hub' worksop offers a simple framework to demonstrate how each of these minds need to collaborate to create experiences that go beyond just the text.
Unlike most theatre productions in schools which are often led by adults, the Artist in Residence workshop will offer the participants a way to transfer the agency to the students by bringing in an artist. It also allows children and teachers to observe and learn from experts.