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Though the Interest Centers were initially designed and led by teachers to help students explore a set of interests, very soon children identified these as opportunities for sharing their own skill-sets and passions with their peers.
Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Student-Led Interest Centers.
Try the empathy lens:
Encourage your teacher team to do a skill-fest within their group where they help their colleagues learn a new skill or introduce them to a passion.
This will help them to experience the joy of sharing their talents, what it takes to plan and pitch one’s skill and how it feels to be up for public scrutiny.
Teachers often led Interest Centers more focused around their area of expertise and therefore the choice for children was limited to the available talent in the teacher team.
During a Conglom, when children were giving feedback on teacher-led Interest Centers, some students remarked that their skill-set should also allow them to lead Interest Centers. We realised that this could be a great opportunity to build the I CAN spirit!
We decided to try out the option of opening the opportunity for children to identify and audition for the Interest Centers they wanted to run such as singing, dancing, cooking, story-telling, etc. Children responded with immense enthusiasm and this led to the seeding of the process which was called Student-Led Interest Centers (SLIC).

teachers and parents believed that ‘Age has nothing to do with Competency’ and everyone could be a learner and a teacher?
Students designed
Student-Led Interest Centers (SLICs) which offered them a platform to showcase their skills and also an opportunity to choose the skills that they would like to learn from their peers.
Every term started off with a skill-fest where they could voluntarily showcase their skills to their classmates and then to the entire Key Stage. Students voted for the skills they found most engaging and finally, the ones with the highest votes were included as SLICs for that term.
Teachers mentored the students for planning, presentation and reflection. They assumed the role of co-teachers for scaffolding the student facilitators.
The fallout of this program was that it not only helped children in honing their talent but also built their leadership and communication skills. Most importantly, children learnt that ‘Nothing is of value unless shared’.

This video helps make visible the design and implementation of SLIC.
In the above video, you will see how mentors and mentees self-nominate themselves to voluntarily participate in SLIC by organizing a skill-fest. You will also catch glimpses of students drawing out their plan, time-tabling and implementing the various interest centers with support from teachers. The video closes with student feedback and reflection.
In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.
FAQ Video
Watch Phoram share some insights on how SLIC has helped her unravel the talents in her students and build their leadership skills.
Impact Video
Watch how facilitating the SLICs impacts Phoram’s practice and helps her to contribute to the growth & development of her students.
A good starting point would be to introduce the SLIC in the classroom and gradually shift it to become a Key Stage wide process.
If running it for 6 months looks challenging, you can also start with month-long SLICs.
Find time to have informal conversations with the children and their parents to identify the talents of your students.
Ensure that SLICs are led by students voluntarily and not under pressure from parents or their teachers.