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While the teachers planned and reviewed the milestones of the learning journey, these were not intentionally made visible, designed and reflected upon with the children.
Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Zero Period process.
Try the empathy lens:
Pick the last five years and make a timeline for yourself from one birthday to the next with photographs and see your growth. Reflect on:
- Where have you reached today?
- Who were your co-travellers?
- What did you encounter in this travel?
- Was it difficult? Was it easy?
- What was your role in this travel?
Now, craft your next five years from today to say where you would like to be and what could be the milestones along the journey.
Children went through diverse experiences in the month which enriched them cognitively, socio-emotionally and spiritually. However, they did not necessarily look back to gain insights on the ground covered and uncovered.
Since the learning journey of children was continuum and not linear often teachers missed going back to the milestones to see if children had actually learnt what they were taught.
On occasions, when teachers picked up suggestions from children to plan for their next sessions, the lesson gained more meaning and purpose.

By re-visiting the teaching-learning process of the last month, teachers and students could co-create a more meaningful and purposeful journey ahead?
We designed a Zero Period with the intention of reflecting on the curriculum covered in the month followed by designing the plan for the next month.
The Zero Period included the following:
A pause session with every subject teacher and Home Room teacher to review the learning experiences of the month in terms of both content and character;
Identification of the topics which would need re-teaching or learning through strategies such as buddy teaching or mentoring;
Building a layer of metacognition to understand the languages of learning which work best with the class;
Shout-outs for appreciating and celebrating each other for the value added in the last month;
Crafting of the milestones for the next month with student feedback and suggestions;
The fallout of this process was that children took charge and ownership of their learning journey and there was less of complaining and blaming. Based on the feedback received, teachers could also design their sessions in ways their children learned best.

This process video helps make visible the design and implementation of the Zero Period.
In the above video you will get a glimpse of how the subject teachers conduct the Zero Period for reflecting on the month and also how they co-create with students the experiences and learning for the next month.
In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.
FAQ Video
Watch Prasmi share some insights on how to implement the Zero Period process to reflect on the month and co-create the plan for the next month.
Impact Video
Watch how conducting the Zero Period impacts Prasmi and helps to make her classroom practice more meaningful and purposeful.
A good idea for leaders is to simulate the Zero Period and sit back in reflection with their team every month as a part of the Professional Development calendar. This will help to see where you have reached and how can you co-create the next leg.
As a school leader be the first to try it in one grade and be open to feedback.
Keep the tone of the session such that children are comfortable in sharing their feedback. When you find a relevant suggestion, be quick to not only accept it but also implement it.
When conducting the Zero Period don’t plan any teaching in that session. Don’t rush it and devote the entire period for conducting it.