Even in early years education, the method of evaluation is often primarily an exam and report cards. Children thus learn to focus on being competitive which can take away from their uniqueness as people.

Watch Kiran share the origin of the Funderstanding process.


Try the empathy lens:

As a teacher team, try out a small exhibition, like a talent show within a small group. Demonstrate and share what you really like and are good at with the audience! Try another scenario of memorizing some poetry and sharing it with the audience.

Reflect on the two experiences, between doing and demonstrating something you enjoy, versus sharing what you just memorized.


  • In young children, a report card has absolutely no bearing on who they are as individuals, and how they learn!

  • Exhibition of student learning is a great way to give confidence to children that what they know & how they want to show is of value.

  • This helps parents realise that one size does not fit all; that every child has a unique capability and competency. It is also key that parents observe and appreciate the multiple ways in which children can demonstrate their understanding.

The experiences children get in their early years, shapes a lot of what they understand as learning in the later years!



there was a simple way to help students see learning as enjoyable and fun; and to help parents see their child as more than just a mark or grade?


a process called 'Funderstanding' which:

  • got parents to actually see the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of their child’s learning experiences through the term and 'how' they learnt in diverse ways;

  • allowed children to feel good rather than just look good! The feedback mechanism during the process helped children to continuously refine their presentation so that they felt confident on the final day;

  • gave a sense of empowerment and confidence to children and helped them build appreciation for each other;

  • provided a great opportunity for the teachers to be reflective of their own practice;

  • gave parents a sense of pride when they saw their children sharing and presenting. This, then reaffirmed the belief of parents in the pedagogy of the school.



This video helps make visible the process of Funderstanding from ‘intention’ to ‘action’.


In this video, you will understand the pre-work required for a successful Funderstanding as well as see what a Funderstanding looks like in action. You will also get a glimpse into reflections with students after the event and hear parent feedback.


In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.

  • 4:47

    1) FAQ Video

    Watch Bhavika share important guidelines as well as key tips for planning and implementing a successful Funderstanding.

  • 3:47

    2) Impact Video

    Here Bhavika shares the relevance of Funderstanding, her key insights, and the impact of the process on her as a teacher!


  • Sharing the relevance of Funderstanding with parents is very important both in advance of the event and on the day of the event. Parents must recognize this as an opportunity to celebrate the learning of their children rather than assuming it to be a trial or graded assessment.

  • Ensure that your teachers recognise that they need to champion their children even if it does not go as per the plan. It is important for teachers to understand and go along with the child’s rhythm, and to help them see it as a learning experience. The role of the teacher is to scaffold the child and be her safety net if the child forgets or makes a mistake during the event.