The ‘I CAN Empower’ programme is a YEAR long journey of co-creation where representative school leaders and teachers come together to build ground-up the I CAN SCHOOL CULTURE. The School Culture harnesses the model of shared leadership that empowers School leaders to become catalysts of change and build a school wide culture that intentionally graduates children with the ‘I CAN MINDSET’.

The programme uses a curated set of processes from the 6 Pillars that can be customised for any key stage to engage all stakeholders in the vision and practices of the school. The training includes a road map of how to TIMETABLE a schoolwide BOTH/AND pedagogy, an understanding of how to implement and contextualise the I CAN processes along with training to use the HumanE framework to help design processes for your school.

1 Year | 15 Days
5 Hours per Day
8 Processes
3 Skill Workshops
6 Coaching Calls
Cohort size : 10 participants


  • Conglom

    Timetabling for Relationships


    'Conglom' is a process The Riverside School - an intentional practice to timetable for 'relationships'. It's an opportunity for students and teachers of each class to come together first thing in the morning to start the day on a positive note. This is a time for learners to share feelings, opinions and ideas. The teacher and students facilitate the interaction so that each student feels respected and valued. The atmosphere that is created is one of trust and community. Starting with the 'heart' sets the stage to learn with the mind!

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Conglom process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Program of Inquiry

    Experience, Explore, Engage

    Program of Inquiry

    The 'Program of Inquiry', as the name suggests, is a process designed to help children delve deeper into an area of learning. The process has a clear methodology that offers simultaneously, structure and open explorations, that enables each child to uncover, make connections, work collaboratively and finally demonstrate understanding in multiple ways.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Program of Inquiry process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Student-led

    Building a sense of Self and Worth

    Student-led Interest Centers

    It is important to encourage children to explore and exercise all of their intelligences. Creating a rich, nurturing, and stimulating environment filled with interesting materials lays the foundation for empowered, curious children. With our 'Student Led Interest Centers' we build on this premise to help students identify strengths that they use to design and lead sessions that build their competencies as empowered learners.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Student-led Interest Centers process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Calendar

    same team, same page


    The 'Calendar' process is designed to work on multiple levels - but all with the same agenda - to have all members of a given team on the same page. For grade teachers, it's a great way to maintain reminders and intentionally plan the month, both for content and character, with the students - be it for events, experts that might be visiting, trips that need to be planned or parent partnerships. For a Key Stage team, it helps to build a sense of community, to be informed about the rest of their colleagues and students. And finally for the leadership, it helps to keep the team accountable to turn intention into impact.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Calender process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Board Protocol

    Enabling teachers to convert intention into action in every session

    Board Protocol

    The 'Board Protocol' is a powerful, yet simple process which guides the teacher to intentionally foster Relevance, Rigor and Relationships in every session that is designed. The classroom blackboard acts as a visible representation of teacher's learning goals for that teaching-session and offers shared expectations for learning with the learner. Not only does the board server as a 'conscience' for the planning, it also helps teachers build a sense of accountability and integrity in their practice.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Board Protocol process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]

    Fostering a Culture of Reflection, Inspiration and Collaboration

    Month End Celebration (MEC)

    A culture of congeniality is built when members of a community have warm and social interactions amongst each other. But a culture of collegiality is cultivated when all team members feel safe to share both - their achievements and their 'failures' in a safe and non judgemental space. The Month End Presentation is a time for the community to gather and celebrate and be inspired by their colleagues as they travel this journey of growth and purpose.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Month End Celebration (MEC)

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Parent

    Moving from Anxiousness to Anticipation

    Parent Orientation

    At the beginning of each year, the 'Parent Orientation' is an opportunity for all new and existing parents to align to the values and expectations of the school and meet the members of the community. It is a time where parents participate in a thoughtful, joyful and intentionally designed learning experience which helps them move from any anxiety that they might have to a feeling of anticipation for the years of schooling ahead for their children!

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Parent Orientation process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • FUNderstanding

    Demonstrating Understanding with Fun


    As the name suggests, 'FUNderstanding' is a powerful process that is designed to offer all children an opportunity to share with their parents and peers the 'how' of 'what' they have learned. It is a personal decision that a child makes on choosing the subject, process or skill that they are most confident about and also choosing the 'strategy' by which they will demonstrate this to the public. Reflection and feedback are the ingredients that make this process complete so that all children have the time to hone and refine their presentation for maximum impact.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Funderstanding process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]



  • Calendar

    same team, same page


    The 'Calendar' process is designed to work on multiple levels - but all with the same agenda - to have all members of a given team on the same page. For grade teachers, it's a great way to maintain reminders and intentionally plan the month, both for content and character, with the students - be it for events, experts that might be visiting, trips that need to be planned or parent partnerships. For a Key Stage team, it helps to build a sense of community, to be informed about the rest of their colleagues and students. And finally for the leadership, it helps to keep the team accountable to turn intention into impact.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Calender process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Congenial Meets

    Building a sense of community

    Congenial Meets

    A key determinant of creativity and growth in a school is the relationship shared between the members of the teaching community as well as the support team - for the strength and trust in the team has a direct impact on the decisions made for the children. The 'Congenial Process' at Riverside has been designed to intentionally foster a sense of community and collegiality amongst the team. Research has shown that colleagues who respect and trust each other are more likely to work from a space of ownership and accountability towards their work and this means they are more willing to innovate and create opportunities for their children.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Congenial Meets process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]

    Fostering a Culture of Reflection, Inspiration and Collaboration

    Month End Celebration (MEC)

    A culture of congeniality is built when members of a community have warm and social interactions amongst each other. But a culture of collegiality is cultivated when all team members feel safe to share both - their achievements and their 'failures' in a safe and non judgemental space. The Month End Presentation is a time for the community to gather and celebrate and be inspired by their colleagues as they travel this journey of growth and purpose.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Month End Celebration (MEC)

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Board Protocol

    Enabling teachers to convert intention into action in every session

    Board Protocol

    The 'Board Protocol' is a powerful, yet simple process which guides the teacher to intentionally foster Relevance, Rigor and Relationships in every session that is designed. The classroom blackboard acts as a visible representation of teacher's learning goals for that teaching-session and offers shared expectations for learning with the learner. Not only does the board server as a 'conscience' for the planning, it also helps teachers build a sense of accountability and integrity in their practice.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Board Protocol process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Program of Inquiry

    Experience, Explore, Engage

    Program of Inquiry

    The 'Program of Inquiry', as the name suggests, is a process designed to help children delve deeper into an area of learning. The process has a clear methodology that offers simultaneously, structure and open explorations, that enables each child to uncover, make connections, work collaboratively and finally demonstrate understanding in multiple ways.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Program of Inquiry process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Buddy Interaction

    Build a sense of community

    Buddy Interactions

    The 'Buddy Interaction' process is built on the premise that learning is about respect - and not about hierarchy! When respect fuels the interaction, both the buddies learn from and about each other. No longer is it about the older teaching the younger, but everyone leaving the moment richer because of the interaction. A community of sharing, caring and growing is cultivated when all learners feel valued and safe.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Buddy Interactions process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Parent

    Moving from Anxiousness to Anticipation

    Parent Orientation

    At the beginning of each year, the 'Parent Orientation' is an opportunity for all new and existing parents to align to the values and expectations of the school and meet the members of the community. It is a time where parents participate in a thoughtful, joyful and intentionally designed learning experience which helps them move from any anxiety that they might have to a feeling of anticipation for the years of schooling ahead for their children!

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Parent Orientation process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Bright Hearts and Minds Shine

    Making Learning Visible

    Bright Hearts & Minds Shine (BHMS)

    The 'Bright Hearts and Minds' process is a time where parents witness an exhibition of learning across the subjects and grades- and witness children using 'strategies' to demonstrate not only 'what' they have learned, but also 'how' they learn.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Bright Hearts & Minds Shine (BHMS) process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]



  • Sports Coaching

    Not just having a skill, but an attitude to help others also matters

    Sports Coaching

    Often sports is associated with skill and speed - and whilst teamwork and the right attitude are key 21st Century skills, these are often left to chance. The Riverside 'Sports Coaching progamme' is designed to intentionally focus on building 'attitude' first and skill as a natural subset. The 'coach' is selected on the basis of his/her attitude and then works with older buddies / teachers to plan a session that includes all children in a game to build new skills. Every session finishes with a reflective circle which then helps to nominate the next student coach. All these skills help build leadership among children.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Sports Coaching process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Persistence

    Change takes time


    ‘Persistence' is a process at Riverside that all our Key Stage learners ( our adolescent ages - 13 to 18 ) go through. It was born of a realisation that while adolescents are quick to change their likes and interests - they understand that for any change to happen - it will take time. Therefore, the process is named 'Persistence'. This process is designed to 'slow down' the need for change and to really spend time in listening, in iteration and in building relationships with the people who are in need. Each student spends an average of 2 hours per week spending time with grandparents at old age homes, cooking and taking tiffins for families in the community or teaching children in care homes. Through this process, the students realise that 'being the change, changes the being'.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Persistence process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Zero Period

    Reflect / Repair / Prepare

    Zero Period

    The 'Zero Period' is an intentional pause every month to review and reflect on the learning journey so far. It offers the teachers an opportunity to get feedback on the concepts, skills, and strategies used to teach the month before; and see if the intended outcome was achieved. It is also a time to find out if some concepts need to be retaught or not. It gives children an opportunity to look at the journey so far and see where they are confident or might need more help. Both learners and teachers are more aligned when setting goals, thereby becoming co-travellers and codesigners in this journey.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Zero Period process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Teacher Driven Observation

    Data driven practice

    Teacher Driven Observation

    The 'Teacher Driven Observation' process is a twist on the regular 'teacher observation' practice. Here, the onus in on the teacher to invite colleagues to observe their practice with the explicit focus on obtaining data on a 'specific' concern that the teacher might want to improve on. This way, there is no judgement - what a teacher receives is 'data' without being flavoured with opinion - and this helps the strategies for growth to be more focused on improvement of teacher practice.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Teacher Driven Observation process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Board Protocol

    Enabling teachers to convert intention into action in every session

    Board Protocol

    The 'Board Protocol' is a powerful, yet simple process which guides the teacher to intentionally foster Relevance, Rigor and Relationships in every session that is designed. The classroom blackboard acts as a visible representation of teacher's learning goals for that teaching-session and offers shared expectations for learning with the learner. Not only does the board server as a 'conscience' for the planning, it also helps teachers build a sense of accountability and integrity in their practice.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Board Protocol process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Calendar

    same team, same page


    The 'Calendar' process is designed to work on multiple levels - but all with the same agenda - to have all members of a given team on the same page. For grade teachers, it's a great way to maintain reminders and intentionally plan the month, both for content and character, with the students - be it for events, experts that might be visiting, trips that need to be planned or parent partnerships. For a Key Stage team, it helps to build a sense of community, to be informed about the rest of their colleagues and students. And finally for the leadership, it helps to keep the team accountable to turn intention into impact.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Calender process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]

    Fostering a Culture of Reflection, Inspiration and Collaboration

    Month End Celebration (MEC)

    A culture of congeniality is built when members of a community have warm and social interactions amongst each other. But a culture of collegiality is cultivated when all team members feel safe to share both - their achievements and their 'failures' in a safe and non judgemental space. The Month End Presentation is a time for the community to gather and celebrate and be inspired by their colleagues as they travel this journey of growth and purpose.

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Month End Celebration (MEC)

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]
  • Parent Orientation

    Moving from Anxiousness to Anticipation

    Parent Orientation

    At the beginning of each year, the 'Parent Orientation' is an opportunity for all new and existing parents to align to the values and expectations of the school and meet the members of the community. It is a time where parents participate in a thoughtful, joyful and intentionally designed learning experience which helps them move from any anxiety that they might have to a feeling of anticipation for the years of schooling ahead for their children!

    Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Parent Orientation process

    if interested in knowing more, please write to

    [email protected]


* Training conducted by only RLC trainers.

Send your request for proposal to
[email protected]

"I would like to express my gratitude for the leadership module and the personal consultation provided by you that gave me deeper insights about my role as a leader."
Ms. Tehseen Zohair – Director, Frobel Academy, Chittagong.