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Often, the only venue for the teacher’s interactions with the child and parents is the school, because of which the teacher may not understand the child’s complete story.
Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Home Visit process.
Try the empathy lens:
There might be times when you may notice a pattern of unusual behavior with a child. For example the child may be very quiet in the classroom, or always losing temper, while interacting with the peers.
In such a scenario, try visiting the child’s home; exploring the space and interacting with the parents and family members you meet. You might be surprised by what you find!
We found, that at times, our understanding of the child's story was incomplete since we were unaware of how the child's family and background were shaping his or her story.
We realized that we were doing a disservice to the child and the parents because:
Conversations with parents became formal and structured, and they were not always comfortable sharing from the heart. Despite all our genuine efforts and intentions, some interactions with parents felt more like ‘us and them’.
Sometimes, when we were unable to reach out to the child, we were quick to make assumptions and label the child and their family.
At times, it seemed like all strategies to help the child were inadequate as we did not know the 'real' issue troubling the child.

there was a simple way to enable the child and family, rather than label them?
A simple process that allowed us to intentionally make time to understand the family dynamics and therefore the ecosystem of the child.
We discovered that a well-planned home visit was a wonderful way to start the year’s journey with empathy. We saw that this process brought a shift in our relationship with the child and the parents as they became more familiar and comfortable with the teachers.
Parents felt secure that their child was in safe hands, and children started opening up because of this trust that had been forged.
Home Visit thus enabled us to understand the complete story of the child. Subsequently, this helped us in becoming more mindful teachers and more capable companions in their journey!

This video helps make visible the process of the Home Visit from ‘intention’ to ‘action’.
In this video, you will understand the pre-work required for a successful Home Visit, as well as see what a home visit looks like in action. You will also get a glimpse into teacher team reflection after the visit, and hear parent feedback on the impact of the process.
Additional Videos:
a) Case Study 1: Pre K Virtual Home Visit
In this video you will see how a virtual home visit is conducted for a Pre k student before she starts school.
b) Case Study 2: Grade 4 Virtual Home Visit
Watch how the Virtual Home Visit is done in Grade 4 to build relationships with the parents and the student.
c) Case Study 3: Grade 8 Virtual Home Visit
In this video you will see how a Virtual Home Visit helped to connect with a new student and her family even though they were in a different country at that time.
In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.
FAQ Video
Watch how Archana ensures that the Home Visit process is smoothly planned and executed.
Impact Video
Watch Archana share some anecdotes and insights on how the Home Visit process has impacted her practice.
Be an exemplar by going for some Home Visit yourself – for instance, you could accompany a teacher who is feeling nervous or apprehensive of going to a ‘difficult’ parent’s house.
If your teachers cannot accommodate Home Visit for all your students, we strongly recommend at least visiting homes of children at the entry grade level and for new students across all grades.
Also, this process is extremely beneficial for children with behavioral concerns or those with special needs.