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When children were either troubled or excited about events that happened the day before, it often impeded their ability to make the most of the learning moments and experiences of present day.
Watch Kiran share the incident which sparked the design of the Conglom process.
Try the empathy lens:
Try Shadow a child for a day - you will gain suprising insights into what are the myriad emotions she/he goes through in a single day (from the bus, to the class, to the canteen, playground...). Do the 'visual listening' exercise - just observe from a distance to the body language more than the words. Record your observations and see what you learn about how emotions play such a crucial role in learning :-)
In the initial years of the school, relationship building was left to chance, and was dependent on the personality of the teacher. There were some teachers who were investing time for relationships; while some went straight to academics.
On days we timetabled for socio-emotional wellbeing, we found that children were more receptive to that day's learning experiences.
Especially for the youngest children, timetabling daily opportunities to unpack their feelings and thoughts was crucial. If they were not given time to share, those bottled emotions tended to play out in other less constructive ways (It was like an itch which had to be scratched right away). Once they were listened to, they were ready and receptive for the day!

We timetabled for relationships so that children are socially and emotionally ready for learning?
A simple process called ‘Conglom’ or a ‘morning meeting’, timetabled right at the start of the school day.
It became a great opportunity for students to bond with their teacher and amongst themselves. They were able to share and unburden their thoughts and feelings, informally in a non-academic scenario!
Children started becoming more socially and emotionally receptive for learning, and it strengthened their belief that 'my space and place is secure!'
We discovered that this time set aside helped to build awareness and world view among students and teachers.
It also became an avenue to create a sense of belonging with all stakeholders of the school.

In this Edutopia video on the Conglom process, you will see glimpses of what Conglom looks like across all age groups at Riverside.
In this video, you will see glimpses of how relationships are nurtured through different Congloms taking place at Riverside. It will also make visible how the educators have the opportunity to make socio-emotional / physical / cognitive / spiritual investments in their children through Congloms and you will also hear the perspectives of students on the process.
Additional Videos:
a) Case Study 1: Social-emotional investment
In this video you will see an example of a socio-emotional Conglom taken in Grade 1.
b) Case Study 2: Spiritual investment
In this video you will see an example of a spiritual Conglom taken in Grade 11.
c) Case Study 3: Physical investment
In this video you will see an example of a physical Conglom taken in Grade 7.
In this section, Riverside edu-heroes share strategies and insights from their experience of the process and how the process has impacted their practice.
FAQ Video
Watch Nandini share important guidelines, strategies, and tips for conducting different types of Congloms.
Impact Video
Watch Nandini share the relevance of Conglom, key insights, and impact of the process on her as a teacher!
Go ahead and try a few Congloms yourself (as a class or across grades) based on your interests and skills. Be an exemplar for your teachers to inspire and role model. It will motivate teachers to learn from observing you.
Timetabling Congloms in the school calendar is a great way to ensure its regular practice & impact, by design, rather than by chance!
Make sure to sit in on Congloms of your teachers to ensure that it doesn’t just become another activity the students go through, but rather an experience that makes them more comfortable with their teacher and their peers.